Friday, June 02, 2006

Snap back to Reality!

Aargh! It has been a very long week. AGAIN! Phantom Saturday was awesome though. It was so cool to watch the actors on stage, no editing or voice overs, just raw talent. I love that kind of stuff! I miss acting! We took the kids to the beach Sunday, and they had a blast! Tristan learned how to throw sand, and Alexa was screaming at the waves. I went to mom's on Memorial Day and helped make food and clean house. I had to leave before I could thoroughly enjoy the spread. I had to work the 3-11 shift for the holiday. Of course, I have been working too much, again. Nothing new there. However, it is really starting to wear me out. I find myself more stressed when I get home, and having more trouble sleeping lately.
Sunday, June 4th, is exactly one year that Justin and I have been married. It seems like it has flown by. So much has happened to us this past year. Some good, some devastating. It is hard to rejoice, knowing that Kie would have turned 25 next Friday, June 9th. I remember calling her last year on our honeymoon, and leaving her a voicemail singing her Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Kie! Sorry you could not be here to celebrate with us. It will always be your birthday here. We love you!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Sweetie,
Happpy Anniversery too!. I Know this will be a hard week, and I thought about that when it turned June 1st, I will have her in my mind all day and everyday. I miss her phone calls. She just has the laugh you can't forget.
Don't over due, and don't be like me where you don't sleep much. IM always here for you!
Love You Bunches, Aunt Terry

Brenda said...

Hey honey, Happy Anniversery!!!! I can't believe it has been a year already!!! It's been a tough year, I know, but the two of you have stuck together through it all. Congrats!!!! Love you, Brenda

Nancy said...

It's late but hardly forgotten. A year already. My how time has flown. I hope your anniversary was beautiful. Love you Aunt Nancy