Numbers are all around us. Time is composed of many numbers, going either too slowly or too fast. These numbers amount to moments, minutes, hours, days, and years. It seems like all of these are flying by. I have reflected on many numbers as of late.
-I have been working on my AA for 9 years now, and will finally receive it at the end of this semester. (As long as all goes according to my plan!)
-My favorite little man is now 9. I can still remember playing video games, with my feet pressed together in front of me, his head resting where the arches of my feet were spaced and my heels supporting his neck where they met. While I played, he watched the ceiling fan above.
-My favorite little duo are turning 6. I can still remember singing to little man in the NICU at my sister's request, and watching her hold him and mouth the words. I can also remember holding little miss while she was sleeping, and having my dad stop in the doorway and say that I had my grandfather's nose.
-I have been married for almost 5 years, together for almost 7. I can still remember the thrill of our very first kiss, the thrill of our first engaged kiss, the thrill of our first married kiss, and the thrills of many other special kisses between and since. I look forward to many more.
-I have been friends with my Best Friend for almost 14 years. We have seen each other through thick and thin (literally!), good times and bad. I am still amazed at the things we have shared, and await the things to come.
With so many reflections, I try to concentrate on the positive ones. I cannot number them, as the stream is continous, with a strong current pushing them through my mind too quick to count. I choose not to reflect on the negative in this post, as they would only cause me tears. I reflect on the good and bad each day, and try to stay focused on the good to make it through the day. The bad still follow me around, whispering in my ear in my quiet moments. Like a fly or mosquito, I shoo them , only to hear the buzzing again a few moments later. Life is made up of many moments. Moments too numerous to count. We choose the moments that make us count.
But, life is not measured my numbers or counting, now is it? One of my favourite quotes expresses it all to well:
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
I try to live in those moments, recapturing my breath as I go.
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