It has been really flying lately! Is it a new year already? Oh my goodness! It seems there is never enough time to do all the things we need or want to. There is never enough time to spend with everyone we love. So I try, I make dates with friend when I can, even with my husband if I have a chance! I try to take an opportunity when it arises. For example: I had a date with one of my best friends, Brenda, back in October, we did dinner, a movie, and coffee. When I saw her again on Hunter's birthday, we made dinner, then played Uno til all hours!! But it was a blast! So, last night when Justin had to work, my best friend Manda and I went to dinner and a movie. The funny coincidence? Tim Burton! I saw the Nightmare before Christmas in 3-D with Brenda, then Sweeney Todd with Manda! I think that is pretty cool!
The holidays have come and gone, with memories of their own as well. Can I just say, that I am very proud of Chad! He was off his computer, AND out of his room, for a solid 5 hours on Christmas day! He did the whole Christmas morning thing, hung out, and even played with his toys! It was really cool. He can be fun to hang out with, when he wants! New Years was cool too. The 30th we all went to Auntie Greta's. Afterwards, we took the kids to see The Waterhorse Legend of the Deep. We as in there were about 10 of us! 5 kids, and 5 adults! Later, Chad, Terri Moore and I went to National Treasure Book of Secrets. The next day, New Year's Eve (Terri Moore's b-day!!!), we went to Alvin and the Chipmunks. It's been a pretty good movie week! Justin and I went to dinner, but I fell asleep when we got home. I had him wake me up at midnight! I said "Happy New Year!" in time! (then went right back to sleep)
Needless to say, It is a New Year that I am trying to prepare for. i know it will be another roller coaster of a and downs, good and bad, happy and sad. We can make it through it all! We will survive!!!!